Fini Klet's White Menta Suave - sugar-free chewing gum, Delicate Mint flavor
  • Fini Klet's White Menta Suave - sugar-free chewing gum, Delicate Mint flavor
  • Fini Klet's White Menta Suave - sugar-free chewing gum, Delicate Mint flavor
  • Fini Klet's White Menta Suave - sugar-free chewing gum, Delicate Mint flavor
  • Fini Klet's White Menta Suave - sugar-free chewing gum, Delicate Mint flavor
  • Fini Klet's White Menta Suave - sugar-free chewing gum, Delicate Mint flavor
  • Fini Klet's White Menta Suave - sugar-free chewing gum, Delicate Mint flavor
Product code: 8410525212406

Fini Klet's White Menta Suave - sugar-free chewing gum, Delicate Mint flavor

Expiration date: 31.01.2025In stock

Our newcomer is called Forest Gum Berries and is super fruity, super tasty and natural: without plastic. Forest Gum Berries contains concentrated, aromatic berry power from strawberries, raspberries and blackcurrants.

0.42 zł tax excl.

0.45 PLN vat included
Amount products:

Net weight 20 g; 2.25zł/100g

Main flavor: Flavor jagoda – click to show other products with this flavor Flavor mięta – click to show other products with this flavor


FOREST GUM is a vegetable chicle-based chewing gum. Sugar-free. Without artificial flavors. Without synthetic additives. We don't need plastic - neither in the mouth nor in the garbage.

The small coated tablets are of course delicious. Crunchy, fresh, minty or fruity - and taste super long.

Plastic in the mouth? Not that tasty.

Conventional chewing gum contains plastic as gum. Our vegetable chicle-based chewing gum puts an end to plastic in the mouth - and microplastic in the environment. We rely on sustainable cultivation methods, protection of tropical forests and fair cooperation in the harvesting areas.

Here the chemistry kit remains closed. We use purely plant-based ingredients - because that's all we need for a super delicious and refreshing chewing gum. Artificial flavors, synthetic chewing gum and sugar don't even go into the box.

We don't like plastic at all. That is why we do without it and only use ingredients from nature. This applies to our chewing gum and also to the packaging.

Our little green cardboard box primarily contains chicle from the tropics of Central America. Garbage and microplastics that take decades to rot? No chance!

Purely vegetable ingredients

Sugar-free, without aspartame, without artificial flavors, without synthetic additives, without petroleum / plastic as gum, vegan.

We love forests.

Chicle chews well. The Mayans already knew that. The chicleros harvest the trees sustainably for the natural chewing mass. This is how we protect tropical forests in the long term - as a living space and to protect the climate for all of us.

A chewing gum that will save the forests? Exactly: The chewing mass of FOREST GUM is chicle, the sap of the porridge apple. And that grows in the tropics of Central America. Chicleros harvest the juice using sustainable methods. In this way, they protect old trees, which, as CO2 stores, make an important contribution to climate protection.

Fair cooperation.

This is important to us. Because the trees have always been the living space of the local people - and as CO2 storage they are an elementary part of climate protection for all of us.

  • 580,000 metric tons chewing gum is chewed and thrown away every year around the world.
  • 35 - 80 chewing gum stick to every square meter of street in Germany alone.
  • 900 million Euro the municipalities in Germany are investing in cleaning sidewalks.